America under Attack Sept 11, 2001
What can WE as Americans and caring people of other Nations
do? Put thoughts and feelings in the forum:
Please Note: I will try to keep the size of each page small so that down load
time will be to a minimum.

All pictures Forward

To a very well done flash movie, done by Steve (Sorry I don't know his last
name) Its big and if you have a dial-up connection it will take a while to
download. It is worth the time it takes. Warshaw
On the lighter side: On the lighter side contains a flash movie
of President Bush and Secretary Powell singing about the demise of Bin Laden.
Page 2 contains a Windows media movie of an interview With Bin Laden, and what
some feel we should do to him. These two clips are not meant to offend anybody,
and if you think they may please don’t go there.